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第207 二十二1(第1/3 页)

最新其他类型小说: CF降临:全球哭穷,我神器爆仓白洋淀巨蟒传说美恐在我当重生当佬大通灵算命师末世:逍遥游!惊惧梦魇游戏:巅峰屠皇足球:满级天赋,欧洲豪门咽口水全民末世游戏,我开局无限增幅开维修店,咋来的都是校花机甲师第四天灾【救赎佣兵团】四合院:我的系统有点六后室:新世界斗罗:穿成唐三妹妹,被迫成神旧雨集摸鱼战舰零零碎碎异事录天灾时期的幼崽饲养指南明日方舟从龙门开始我在末世捡空投海贼之海王娜美


-Qiao Jingjing: Can we set up a "family dream piggy bank" at noon? Every family member can save money for his little dream. Time: Dream piggy bank sounds interesting. We can use the money saved to realize our small wishes, such as buying a book or a small musical instrument. Qiao Jingjing: Yes, we can also set up a "family dream wall" where everyone writes down their dreams and attaches a piggy bank, so that they can see their goals every day. Time: Jingjing, can we start a "family health challenge for 100 days"? Encourage the whole family to stay healthy.You can also play family sports regularly, such as badminton, basketball or running. This can not only exercise, but also cultivate team spirit. " Jojo nodded and said. "Moreover, we can make family goals together, such as pleting a puzzle together, planting a plant or learning a new language." Jingjing added. "Well, we can encourage each other and grow together



